Portola Redwoods State Park Campout

This weekend several of our scouts went camping overnight in Portola Redwoods State Park Campground. 

While this was a group site, there wasn’t any continuous open space to set up all the tents together.  This made it feel far more personal than usual group events and we felt a lot closer to our surroundings.

This was a joint campout with both the Boys’ and Girls’ Troops working together on their various goals.  As is typical, the Scouts were responsible for their own meal and had decided on Chicken Alfredo while the adults opted for Tri-Tip steak

Besides cooking, many Scouts worked their Orienteering, Totin’ Chip, and various Knots.

The knot-tying skill came in handy when setting up this hammock around those massive trees.

At night, the campfire is a welcome source of heat and light and great conversation.  Lanterns, on the other hand, can be a bit too harsh.

Besides the beautiful Redwood trees, Portola Redwoods State Park is known for another feature – Banana slugs are North American terrestrial slugs comprising the genus Ariolimax. These slugs are often yellow in color and are sometimes spotted with brown blotches, resembling a ripe banana which is the source of their common name, although they can come in other colors.