An American flag being shared over Zoom

July camping

Many troops have simply failed during lockdown, stopping all operations, even as their Scouts continue to get closer to aging out. Not Troops 612 and 2612. We’re continuing to try to advance in the face of the pandemic, and we’re working on figuring out the best ways to replicate the Scouting experience, at home. That’s why we had our campout on the 18th.

Replicating Scouting from home is hard, but we’re getting better. This campout was especially fun. First, we had a scavenger hunt.

Jessica S in her bedroom with a string of blue lights around the corners of the ceiling
Jessica S coming up with a brilliant solution when looking for a blue electrical cord.

Nathan C with a red blanket
Four people, two of whom are holding up black toys
Several people finding black toys.

We played some online games.

People logging in to the Halloween 2018 Google Doodle game
What’s a game everyone can get to, even those on school computers? The Halloween 2018 Google Doodle

We even figured out how to do Zoom opening!

Zoom style opening

Overall “…a fun campout.”-Nathan C.