For about a year and a half now, Troops 612 and 2612 having been having meeting hosted virtually through the platform of Zoom, but no longer! Tonight, at our usual time of 7:00, our troop will be having a hybrid troop meeting, with some of us still on the usual Zoom, and some of us at the San Lorenzo Community Church. Those of you who are coming in-person, make sure you fill out the forms sent out by Mrs. C with your parents or guardians.
I know that all of us are excited to get back together but there are still a few precautions to be considered in light of the new Delta variant. All visitors will be required to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, visitors will be required to sanitize their hands before entering the hall, and it should be assumed that 6 ft. distancing will be in effect. Once again, a reminder to fill out a printed copy of the San Lorenzo Church Covid 19 Waiver of Liability and email it to Mrs. C before coming. With all that being said, looking forward to seeing you there!